Dist. Suprt. Of Land Record, Dhule
Name of the office :- Dist. Suprt. Of Land Record, Dhule
Designation of the head of the office :- Dist. Suprt. Of Land Record
Address :- Administrative Complex Old District Collector Office premises Dhule
Contact number :- 02562-240195
E-mail ID :- dslr_dhule@yahoo.com
Website:- 1) For filling all types measurement applications :-
2) For getting 7/12 extract, 8A extract, modification copy, e-chavdi notice, property card and other copies :- https://mahabhumi.gov.in
3) To downloading land related maps:- https://mahabhunakasha.mahabhumi.gov.in
4) For filling the ferfar cases (PDE) application online :- https://bhumiabhilekh.maharashtra.gov.in
5) To get information about appeal cases:- https://eqjcourts.gov.in
6) To resolving the complaints:- https://grievances.maharashtra.gov.in
7) Applying for various services under the Right to Public Services Act 2015:- https://aaplesarkar.mahaonline.gov.in