
Unique FUD System

This is a unique ancient irrigation system built up by the farmers in Panzara river valley in Sakri Taluka of Dhule District. The River valley is about 3257 sq. km. developed co-operatively by constructing stone wall of about two-three meters height for diverting the river water in the system of canals along the bank of river. This ancient system is still irrigating the farmer’s land on co-operative basis from Shendwad to Betawad.

The history of FUD system is very ancient, probably originated during Maur’s Era. Yadav’s also promoted the farmers in development of this system. During Durga Devi’s scarcity in 1376-1476 in Khandesh, Malik Raja Faruqi tries to increase agriculture income. The farmer’s of Khandesh were taking crops using this Unique FUD system as stated by Abul Fazal in 1599-1600. Similarly Traniar Theveno in his traveling over khandesh stated about this irrigation system.

The system has affected the Social, Economy and Education status of the valley habitant.