
Search Results For : Девятаев-Девятаев новый фильм

1-10 of Total 2023 results

नोडल अधिकारी आदेश

  अ. नं. आदेश 1 नोडल अधिकारी आदेश ( Size 4.71 MB)  

Home (Gruh)

Aims and Objectives The main role of the branch is to grant various licenses , permits and maintain the law and order. The various services provided by the branch are as follows. Magisterial enquiries of communal riots. Reporting of Police Firing. Grant/Renewal of Cinema & Videos licenses. Appointments of Govt.Pleaders. Magisterial enquiries prisoners. Solvency Certificates […]

District Profile

District Dhule Profile The Old West Khandesh is the district Dhule today. This district is situated at the foot of the Satpuda hill. The mountain range of Sahyadri has reached the western side of this district. Besides, the mountains of Galna situated. Tapi, Panzara, Kan, Arunavati, Amravati, Aner, Evil and Sandy rivers flow through the [...]

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कसे पोहोचाल?

रस्त्याने धुळे येथे पोहोचण्यासाठी बरेच सोयीचे मार्ग आहेत. धुळे शहर शिर्डी पासुन १४१ कि.मी. , औरंगाबाद पासुन १४६ कि.मी. , इंदोर पासुन २५९ कि.मी. , पुणे पासुन ३३२ कि.मी. व मुंबई पासुन ३२२ कि.मी. आणि  भोपाळ पासुन ५०३ कि.मी. वर स्थित आहे. हे शहर  बऱ्याच मुख्य शहरे जसे कि सुरत, मुंबई, पुणे, इंदोर व, नागपूर इ.शी महराष्ट्र […]